
ARCON Radio Remote Control ranks among the leading manufacturers of safety radio remote control devices for industrial applications. The ARCON application spectrum includes solutions for simple chain hoists with push-button devices, traditional industrial cranes, and joystick devices with two-hand operation for vacuum and magnetic lifting equipment. The ARCON Radio Remote Control rechargeable battery system allows continuous machine operation, which is of particular importance in triple-shift work environments. Original ARCON rechargeable batteries easily offer power for machine operations during one shift.

Due to the robust and ergonomic transmitter models, ARCON safety radio remote controls will of course also excel in aggressive environments, like foundries or galvanizing shops. ARCON safety radio remote control devices are also perfectly suited for outdoor applications in adverse weather conditions. Our systems are protected against dust and water (IP 65), and come equipped with a breathable GoreTex membrane. Accumulated condensation is transported outwards without any moisture or dust penetrating into the device.

ARCON safety radio remote controls are ideally suited for use in harbours and offshore applications. We can deliver the required systems as seawater-resistant versions with the GL (German Lloyd) test and quality seal.